Wärmebildkamera-Baugruppen - Accessories - Expansion Boards

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Boson Development Board (250-0705-00)

A breakout board is available for Boson users and integrators that need easy access to the Boson I/O and interfaces. This board is designed for development purposes, and is not intended or rated for long-term reliability over temperature. Improvements from the original breakout board (SKU 250-0593-00) include exposing the data_valid signal for CMOS video, selection for the power input while using USB (USB or externally supplied power through banana plug), and external sync input/output.

FLIR Lepton® Breakout Board v2.0

Das FLIR Lepton® Thermal Camera Breakout Board ist eine benutzerfreundliche Auswertungsplatine zum schnellen Anschließen des FLIR Lepton Kameramoduls an gängige Plattformen wie Raspberry Pi* oder kundenspezifische Hardware. Es bietet integrierte Stromanschlüsse mit Spannungen zwischen 3 und 5,5 V und eine Hauptuhr. Lokale Stromversorgungen, die Hauptuhr und die Komponenten der Startsequenz lassen sich jeweils mit einer Überbrückung umgehen.

Lepton separat erhältlich.

* Raspberry Pi ist ein Warenzeichen der Raspberry Pi Foundation. Dieses Produkt ist nicht für den Einsatz in der Produktion ausgelegt oder zugelassen.

Neutrino LC Camera Link Accessory

The Camera Link accessory converts CMOS video signal into a Camera-Link-compliant output via SDR-26 receptacle. Communication and power are provided via a standard USB-3 micro-B.

Neutrino LC Development Kit

Provides all output options on a single PCB and easy access to the full 80-pin camera interface for development. Includes a flex cable between the board and the camera and a wire harness to the cooler interface.

Neutrino LC USB VPC Kit

The USB Video Power Connector (VPC) kit turns the Neutrino LC camera into a webcam. Power, digital video, and comm are all via USB2. The kit includes a USB-A to USB-C cable.

Neutrino LC USB/Analog VPC Kit

The USB VPC kit with an additional custom 6-foot cable with a BNC pigtail provides an additional analog video signal (NTSC-compliant).

Neutrino LC Utility Kit

Provides all output options on a single PCB. Includes a wire harness to the cooler interface. The accessory board converts video signal into a Camera-Link-compliant output via a SDR-26 receptacle.

Neutrino SX8 Accessory Board

The Utility Kit provides Camera link and HDMI video output to a single development electronics board. The kit includes a wire harness for camera and cooler power. Communication and power to the Neutrino SX8 camera electronics is provided via a USB driver to a virtual COM port. External sync input/output signals are provided with standard MCX connectors. A header connector is provided for RS-422 lens control.

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