Room Temperature or ‘Ice Cold’: Uncovering the Perfect Way to Drink a Guinness on St. Patrick's Day

One of the most popular beers on St. Patrick’s Day is Guinness, often times, available on tap at both room temperature, or ice cold. But what’s the perfect way to enjoy one?

For most people, different styles of beer taste better (or worse) at varying temperatures, depending on type, and personal preference. Generally, light-body and low-alcohol beers (e.g., mass-market lagers, German pilsners and wheat beers) are best served cold, while full-body and high-alcohol beers are best served warmer (e.g., IPAs, Belgian ales and, in the case of Guinness, stouts).

There is no end-all-be-all temperature for serving beer, though the chemical compounds within beer that are responsible for creating flavor and aroma are activated and/or suppressed depending on temperature, which influences how it tastes to us. Though many establishments choose to serve their beer “ice cold,” it remains true that different styles of beer are crafted with the intention of being served at temperatures best suited for those particular styles.

In our opinion, there’s no wrong way to enjoy your favorite beverage, cheers and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Head here for more interesting insight on the science of flavor